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Exercise Physioogy

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Exercise Physiology,
Personal Programs,
Injury Rehab and
Corporate Health

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Corporate Health

The best ways to increase productivity levels is to make sure your staff members are all healthy and fit. The Frank Russell Company, in Kent Street, a global investments firm listed 13th in the 2000 Fortune Magazine Top 100 Companies to Work For, finds that staff who train together build strong teamwork skills. Marketing manager Craig Morris says "It's probably the healthiest environment I've worked in," the 36-year old says, and he doesn't just mean physical health. "Stress levels are lower and office politics are virtually non-existent. The fact that we have other things to talk about to one another than just work means it's a friendlier place to work."

Benefits of a Corporate Health and Fitness Program

Our Approach

After completion of an indepth needs analysis Exercise Physiology will:

Profile and History

For over twenty years, Exercise Physiology has prided itself on being able to provide to its corporate and personal clientele a first class health, fitness and stress management approach to each individual's goals.

Upon initial consultation, Exercise Physiology ensures that the programs are specific to employee and employer goals consistent with the company or that individual's direction.

Exercise Physiology is aware that clients work conditions vary and tailor the programs in accordance with the workplace and occupational environment, stress levels, the level of interaction between employees and the specific company's focus.

Exercise Physiology is also aware that corporations are working within a budget and ensures that when working on the establishment or refurbishing of a company gymnasium facility that safety and quality use of equipment is not compromised.

Exercise Physiologoy's focus has been to:

Exercise Physiology is the largest independently owned personal/corporate health and fitness company in Sydney. It is at the forefront of the industry and has the strongest referral network of health professionals in its surrounding areas, along with 10 years of experience in equipment analysis and ability to tailor exercise equipment to client needs.




Ranging from one-on-one customised personal training programs for individual employees, to holding a full needs analysis assessment program for all employees Exercise Physiology qualified trainers are able to tailor specifically a health, fitness and stress management program to be implemented into the company for the individual, providing on-going support and motivation to each individual to achieve their specific goals, resulting in a healthier and happier team of productive employees.

Exercise Physiology can also assist in arranging the necessary facilities to ensure employees can continue with exercise and personal development, by either designing and setting up an onsite gymnasium facility, arranging to hold training sessions at local health club facilities in the area, or supplying a 'mobile' gym to handle the basic training needs of employees.

Specific programs offered are:

Exercise Physiology

Individuals with diverse personal health and fitness goals are confidently taken through specific medical/injury screening, blood pressure and resting heart checks, with their goals reviewed and with regular feedback given by Exercise Physiology's trainers, before they ever touch a piece of equipment. They feel safe and secure in the knowledge that they are in the right hands to take on the challenge of improving their health and fitness in a safe and supportive environment.

Specific programs offered are:

Business Partnerships

Exercise Physiology is the first choice of referral work for many health professionals (doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors and team sport masseurs) as well as insurance-based rehabilitation program companies, as they have every confidence in Exercise Physiology's ability to respond to the specific requirements of their clients, who are going through a process of rehabilitation.

Exercise Physiology is seen as being the practical and supportive next step to working with clients to support and assist them to a back-to-work or full recovery situation, having the necessary qualifications and experience necessary for this level and type of exercise and training.


Exercise Physiology